Brian's Articles and Videos

Various pages on this Web site have links to articles you can read. This is a concise list of all of them, indicating the format if it is not HTML. The alternative is typically Adobe Acrobat (PDF).

The list contains full-fledged articles, conference papers and conference tutorials.

The Embarcadero Developer Network site also includes an interview with me by Clay Shannon.

Click here to see some comments by readers of these articles.

If you find useful information in these articles please consider making a donation. It will be appreciated however big or small it might be and will encourage Brian to continue researching and writing about interesting topics in the future.


Android articles

Microsoft .NETMicrosoft .NET

Miscellaneous .NET & Mono articles

Delphi Prism

Delphi Prism articles


Delphi articles

Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions and sometimes with extra material.

Borland Delphi for .NET Preview Compiler articles


Borland Delphi for .NET articles


C++Builder articles

Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions and usually with extra material.

Borland Kylix articles

Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions and sometimes with extra material.

Borland Kylix tutorial series

These articles first appeared in LXF (Linux Format).

The tutorial series was being translated into Dutch and made available on

Undocumented stuff in Borland products

Borland product reviews

Alas, most of these are no longer online.

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