Various pages on this Web site have links to articles you can read. This is a concise
list of all of them, indicating the format if it is not HTML. The alternative is
typically Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
The list contains full-fledged articles, conference papers and conference tutorials.
Click here to see some comments by readers
of these articles.
If you find useful information in these articles please consider making a donation.
It will be appreciated however big or small it might be and will encourage Brian
to continue researching and writing about interesting topics in the future.
Android Development with RemObjects Cooper (which became Oxygene for Java),
June 2011.
This is a podcast chat between Jim McKeeth (when he was at RemObjects) and Brian Long.
You can hear it by clicking this link.
Android from the command line and More Android commandline fun, June 2011.
Blog posts that look at (a) using Android command-line tools to build an Android
package from a .jar file and some resources, and (b) various useful Android command
lines for process and file management, ways of working with application components
and starting emulators, package analysis and so on.
Creating a splash
screen for Delphi XE5 Android apps, April 2014.
A look at how to set up a splash screen for Android apps, getting much the same
effect as the splash screen support available out of the box for iOS apps.
Creating a splash
screen for Delphi XE6 Android apps, April 2014.
A look at how to set up a splash screen for Android apps, getting much the same
effect as the splash screen support available out of the box for iOS apps.
Using C# to Develop for Android
Devices, Jan 2012.
Introduction to use of C# and Mono for Android v4.0 to build an Android application.
This is an update to the article below.
Using NFC in Delphi 10 Seattle (and later)
Android apps, August 2014 (updated September 2016).
Coverage of how to access and employ NFC tags in Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi 10.1
Berlin,..... This update shows how Delphi 10 Seattle removes all the messy Java
requirements to allow NFC access in a pure Delphi application.
Using the Google MapView
in Android with Oxygene for Java, January 2012.
A detailed coverage of how to start working with the Google map control, which is
not part of the standard Android SDK, and examples of making it do interesting things.
Using C# to Develop for Android
Devices, Jan 2012.
Introduction to use of C# and Mono for Android v4.0 to build an Android application.
This is an update to the article below.
iPhone Development
with C# and MonoTouch, February 2012.
Introduction to use of C# and MonoTouch v5.0 to build an iPhone application. This
is an update to the article below.
Using C# to Develop for iPhone,
iPod Touch and iPad, February 2012
Using C# with Mono and MonoTouch v5.x to build applications for Apple's iPhone,
iPad and iPod Touch. This is a lengthy runthrough covering many techniques in iPhone
development with MonoTouch v5.x and C#, and is an update to the tutorial below.
Using C# to Develop for iPhone,
iPod Touch and iPad, March 2011
Using C# with Mono and MonoTouch v3.0 to build applications for Apple's iPhone,
iPad and iPod Touch. This is a lengthy runthrough covering many techniques in iPhone
development with MonoTouch v3.0 and C#.
Delphi Prism XE to Develop for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, a White Paper
with videos for Embarcadero, February 2011.
Using Delphi Prism with Mono and MonoTouch v3.0 to build applications for Apple's
iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This is a 70+ page paper covering many techniques in
iPhone development with MonoTouch and Delphi Prism XE.
This was originally hosted by Embarcadero (with 2 videos totalling about an hour)
but the link is now to a copy of the PDF hosted elsewhere.
.NET Internals: The Profiling
API, a DCon 2003,
BorCon Europe 2003 and BorCon Europe
2004 paper.
In this paper we look inside .NET applications using the Profiling API to
see the rich volume of information made available, allowing you to build flowtrace
analysers, hotspot identifiers, exception recorders coverage analsis tools and so
Object Destructors
and Finalizers in .NET Using C# and Delphi for .NET.
This in-depth article looks at the role and usage of destructors (or equivalent)
in the managed world of .NET. It examines in detail the areas of garbage collection,
finalizers, the dispose pattern and language specifics, and uses both C# and Delphi
for .NET for source examples.
Reverse Engineering To Know .NET Better, a DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper
2 session.
This article looks at various mechanisms that can be used to reverse engineer .NET
applications and libraries for the purpose of learning the platform better.
This is a 2005 update to the 2003 paper below
Engineering To Learn .NET Better, a DCon
2003 paper.
This article looks at various mechanisms that can be used to reverse engineer .NET
applications and libraries for the purpose of learning the platform better.
A 2005 update to this paper is listed immediately above
Delphi Prism XE to Develop for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, a White Paper
with videos for Embarcadero, February 2011.
Using Delphi Prism with Mono and MonoTouch v3.0 to build applications for Apple's
iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This is a 70+ page paper covering many techniques in
iPhone development with MonoTouch and Delphi Prism XE.
This was originally hosted by Embarcadero (with 2 videos totalling about an hour)
but the link is now to a copy of the PDF hosted elsewhere.
Build .NET and Cross-Platform Mono Applications with Delphi Prism, a White
Paper with videos for Embarcadero.
December 2009.
Using Delphi Prism and the Mono platform to build applications that can run on Windows,
Linux and Mac OS X.
You can access the white paper through the landing page above or
directly here
You can see the support videos through the landing page above or directly from:
Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher
up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions
and sometimes with extra material.
ActionBands, from Issue 81 (May 2002) of The Delphi Magazine
(WayBack link).
A look at the extra action support in Delphi 6 that allows up-to-date menus and
toolbars to be built, as in Windows 2000/XP and Office 2000/XP.
Actions, Action Lists and Action Managers,
September 2012.
How to use actions, action lists and action managers to simplify UI management in
VCL applications. Covers custom actions, standard actions and ActionBands. Updated
for Delphi XE3.
Actions, Action Lists and Action
Managers, a BorCon 2003 (CD only)
How to use actions, action lists and action managers to simplify UI management in
VCL applications. Covers custom actions, standard actions and ActionBands (including
some unofficial support for them). Updated to cover Delphi 7.
Actions, Action Lists and Action
Managers, a BorCon 2002 paper.
How to use actions, action lists and action managers to simplify UI management in
VCL applications. Covers custom actions, standard actions and ActionBands, new in
Delphi 6. Updated to include unofficial ActionBands support.
Actions, Action Lists and
Action Managers, a DCon 2001 paper.
How to use actions, action lists and action managers to simplify UI management in
VCL applications. Covers custom actions, standard actions and ActionBands, new in
Delphi 6.
Apache Shared Modules
This article is a successor to the Kylix-based Apache for Linux article (see
below), and points out the key issues that you need to know when setting
up an using Apache on a Windows operating system (updated to cover Apache 2 issues).
Republished by
here (WayBack link) to read it).
Calling 16-Bit Code From 32-Bit In Windows, from Issue 12
(August 1996) of The Delphi Magazine (WayBack link).
This article looks at how to use the undocumented thunking mechanism present in
Windows 95 and 98, to call legacy 16-bit code from 32-bit applications.
Code Templates and Live Templates (June
This runs through the history of Code Templates and their evolution into the more
powerful Live templates in Delphi 2006. It covers the details of how to make various
types of Live templates, encouraging you to use them, perhaps more than you currently
CORBA and Delphi, a DCon '99 paper.
This paper looks at how to develop CORBA objects in CORBA server applications, using
the older (deprecated) type library model. It also looks at how you build client
applications to use those objects.
and C++Builder Tips and Techniques, a BorCon
2002 and DCon 2002 paper.
A fast-paced array of tips & tricks as used by experts. These are the things
that are hard to find in manuals, and often omitted from training courses, typically
learned from hard-earned experience. This is an updated version of the IDE/RTL/VCL/ObjectPascal Tips paper listed below.
Delphi 6 Code
Completion Feature Missing.
This article describes how to enable a great, new Code Completion feature in Delphi
6, whereby Code Completion will list identifiers from units not in your uses clause.
Moreover, if you select such a symbol, the corresponding unit is added to your uses
clause automatically. Unfortunately the Delphi 6 installation program does not set
this up correctly, so it doesn't work by default.
Event Properties, from the November 1995 issue of Delphi Developers Journal.
This article is no longer available online.
Tips, a DCon 2000 paper. This paper
uncovers more gems from the VCL/RTL that are less well known, but still potentially
very useful. It also shows a variety of tips to make you more productive in the
Multi-Threading and COM, from Issue 60 (August 2000) of The Delphi Magazine
(WayBack link).
This article explores the terminology and principles used in multi-threaded COM
applications, primarily to demystify what is otherwise a complicated subject.
.NET Internals: The Profiling
API, a DCon 2003 and
BorCon Europe 2003 paper.
In this paper we look inside .NET applications using the Profiling API to
see the rich volume of information made available, allowing you to build flowtrace
analysers, hotspot identifiers, exception recorders coverage analsis tools and so
Non-obvious Debugging Techniques,
a BorCon 2002 paper.
We all have to debug applications, and there are many common techniques available
to help things along. This session reveals a number of techniques that can be useful
to aid the debugging task, but which are not of a particularly obvious nature.
Paradox File Corruption, from Issue 42 (February 1999) of The Delphi Magazine
(WayBack link).
Corruption of Paradox tables and index files is quite commonplace in multi-user
applications. This article looks at some of the many possible reasons for this,
and how to limit the chances of it happening.
Speech Synthesis
And Speech Recognition, a DCon 2002
and BorCon UK 2002 paper.
This paper looks at how to add speech synthesis and speech recognition capabilities
to Delphi applications using the Microsoft Speech API. It consists of four sub-articles:
VCL Sourcery,
a BorCon UK 2001 paper.
This is an updated version of the paper below, with additional coverage of Delphi
VCL Sourcery,
a DCon '99 paper.
This paper uncovers gems from the VCL/RTL that are less well known, but still potentially
very useful.
VCL versus CLX - A Comparison,
a DCon 2001 paper.
This paper compares the two component frameworks, focusing on the differences behind
the visual components.
.NET client applications using unmanaged COM objects
COM client applications using managed .NET objects
Object Destructors
and Finalizers in .NET Using C# and Delphi for .NET.
This in-depth article looks at the role and usage of destructors (or equivalent)
in the managed world of .NET. It examines in detail the areas of garbage collection,
finalizers, the dispose pattern and language specifics, and uses both C# and Delphi
for .NET for source examples.
README for Digger for .NET.
You can download the Digger for .NET sample application from Borland's Delphi
for .NET Preview Web site. This README introduces the application and explains a
couple of ways to build it, and some compiler issues it works around.
This article is no longer available online.
.NET Interoperability
with Delphi 8 for .NET: .NET <-> Win32.
This article uses Delphi for .NET to show how .NET managed code can interoperate
with unmanaged Win32 code using the P/Invoke and Inverse P/Invoke
mechanisms. In particular, it focuses on:
.NET applications using unmanaged Win32 APIs and entry points exported from your
own DLLs
Win32 applications using managed methods exposed from managed .NET assemblies
Note: This article is an update of the one above
to cover the Delphi 8 for .NET shipping product.
.NET applications using unmanaged Win32 APIs and entry points exported from your
own DLLs
Win32 applications using managed methods exposed from managed .NET assemblies
Note: This article is an update of the preceding one to cover the Delphi
"Diamondback" preview product, including mention of the new Virtual Library Interfaces
.NET Interoperability
with Delphi 8 for .NET: COM Interop.
This article uses Delphi for .NET to show how .NET managed code can interoperate
with Win32 COM clients and servers using the COM Interop mechanism. In particular,
it focuses on:
.NET client applications using unmanaged COM objects
COM client applications using managed .NET objects
Note: This article is an update of the one above
to cover the Delphi 8 for .NET shipping product.
.NET client applications using unmanaged COM objects
COM client applications using managed .NET objects
Note: This article is an update of the preceding one to cover the Delphi
"Diamondback" preview product.
Object Destructors
and Finalizers in .NET Using C# and Delphi for .NET.
This in-depth article looks at the role and usage of destructors (or equivalent)
in the managed world of .NET. It examines in detail the areas of garbage collection,
finalizers, the dispose pattern and language specifics, and uses both C# and Delphi
for .NET for source examples.
Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher
up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions
and usually with extra material.
C++Builder For Delphi
Users, a BorCon UK '97 paper.
This paper shows how easy it is to use C++Builder, assuming you have a working knowledge
of Delphi (or Kylix for that matter).
C++Builder for Delphi Users, from Issue 19 (Mar 1997) of The Delphi Magazine
(WayBack link).
This article shows how easy it is to use C++Builder, assuming you have a working
knowledge of Delphi (or Kylix for that matter).
Code Templates and Live Templates (June
This runs through the history of Code Templates and their evolution into the more
powerful Live templates in C++Builder 2006. It covers the details of how to make
various types of Live templates, encouraging you to use them, perhaps more than
you currently do.
Delphi and C++Builder Tips and
Techniques, a BorCon 2002 and DCon 2002 paper.
A fast-paced array of tips & tricks as used by experts. These are the things
that are hard to find in manuals, and often omitted from training courses, typically
learned from hard-earned experience.
Hidden Borland C++Builder
This old weblog entry describes how you can entice C++Builder into supporting Delphi
forms in its form designer. It normally treats Delphi forms as unknown quantities
and only offers support for C++Builder forms, but all this can be changed...
How To Do COM In C++Builder
5, a BorCon 2001 paper.
This is an updated version of the paper below, with additional coverage of some
of the classes used by C++Builder.
How To Do COM In
C++Builder, an ICon UK 2000 paper.
COM involves a lot of terminology and concepts. This paper introduces the subject
to those for whom it is new.
Problems with
Programming Qt from C++Builder 6 CLX Applications.
This article looks at a showstopper of a bug in C++Builder 6 that prevents you using
the CLXDisplay API (in the Qt.hpp header file) that underlies VisualCLX components
and the CLX printing support. It also looks at how to resolve the issue and offers
a replacement Qt.hpp file that works.
Where articles are listed with the same or very similar titles, the versions higher
up the list will be more up to date, possibly focusing on more recent product versions
and sometimes with extra material.
Actions, Action Lists and Action
Managers, a BorCon 2002 paper.
How to use actions, action lists and action managers to simplify UI management in
VCL applications. Covers both custom actions and standard actions.
Actions, Action Lists and
Action Managers, a DCon 2001 paper.
This paper examine action objects, which are great mechanisms for building synchronised,
smooth, modern looking user interfaces. It also looks at ActionBands, new in Delphi
Apache Shared Modules, from Issue 69 (May 2001) of The
Delphi Magazine (WayBack link).
Setting up Apache on Linux for the creation of shared modules can be something of
a tricky task. This article covers all the pitfalls along the way to successful
Deep sea fishing in
Delphi (VCL secrets and the practical use of the Win32 API), a
DCon 2000 tutorial.
This paper is essentially a follow-on from the VCL Sourcery paper below. It uncovers
more gems from the VCL/RTL that are less well known, but potentially very useful.
This is not specific to Kylix but contains quite a few tips and tricks which are
applicable to Kylix developers.
Delphi and C++Builder Tips and
Techniques, a BorCon 2002 and DCon 2002 paper.
A fast-paced array of tips & tricks as used by experts. These are the things
that are hard to find in manuals, and often omitted from training courses, typically
learned from hard-earned experience.
Delphi and C++Builder Tips and
Techniques, a BorCon 2001 paper.
This paper focuses mainly on how to be more productive withing the Delphi, C++Builder
and Kylix IDEs.
This does not mention Kylix in its title, but does apply to Kylix and mentions Kylix
regularly through the text.
Problems with Programming
Qt from Kylix 3 C++ CLX Applications.
This article looks at a problem preventing Kylix 3 C++ programmers from writing
code that accesses the Qt library (the CLXDisplay API in the Qt.hpp header file)
in a cross-platform friendly fashion.
Run-Time Type Information
(RTTI) In Delphi 3 - Can It Do Anything For You?, a
BorCon UK '98 paper.
RTTI can be used to simplify a number of comon programming tasks. This paper explains
why RTTI exists and how you access it, and then looks at what you might want to
use it for.
This is written with Delphi in mind, but all the principles apply equally to Kylix.
VCL Sourcery,
a DCon '99 paper.
This paper uncovers gems from the VCL/RTL that are less well known, but still potentially
very useful.
Clearly this paper is based around the VCL, but focuses mainly on the RTL, which
is the same as the BaseCLX portion of the CLX library.
VCL versus CLX - A Comparison,
a DCon 2001 paper.
This paper compares the two component frameworks, focusing on the differences behind
the visual components.
These articles first appeared in LXF (Linux
Part 1 : Installing And
Using Kylix Open Edition, (LXF 19, October 2001). In this first part of
a tutorial series on Borland's Kylix visual development systems, we get to grips
with installing Kylix and building GUI applications.
Part 3 : Polishing your
Kylix application windows, (LXF 21, December 2001). This month we add some
polish to our text processing application and give some tips on how to improve your
use of Kylix.
Part 4 : Lights, Camera...
Action!, (LXF 22, Christmas 2001). This time we look at how action components
can simplify User Interface (UI) development.
Part 6 : Dynamic Object
Creation, (LXF 24, February 2002). This month we look at how to dynamically
create objects in code instead of using the Component Palette and Form Designer.
Part 10 : Graphics
Programming, (LXF 28, June 2002). This time we take a tour of the
TCanvas class to see how you can do simple graphics in your Kylix applications.
Part 12 : OOP Syntax
In Object Pascal, (LXF 30, August 2002). This part looks at the Object Pascal
support for building your own objects in Kylix applications.
Part 13 : More OOP
Support In Kylix, (LXF 31, September 2002). This instalment we look in more
depth at the OOP support offered by Kylix's compiler and IDE.
Part 14 : Systems analysis,
(LXF 32, October 2002). In this part we build a Linux process viewer with Kylix.
Deel 1: Installatie en gebruik van Kylix Open Edition. In dit eerste
deel van een cursus over Borland's Kylix ontwikkelingsomgeving maakt Brian Long
duidelijk hoe je Kylix moet installeren en hoe je GUI applicaties kunt maken.
Deel 3: Oppoetsen van uw Kylix programma venster. In dit derde deel van
onze Kylix Open Edition cursus serie voegt Brian Long wat schoonheidsmiddelen toe
aan onze tekstverwerker en geeft wat tips over het handiger omgaan met Kylix.